From around the world, resources are available for public domain download, to assist in developing Stress Management and other Chaplain-related educational products.  Materials 
on this page include photos, war art, documents, and films.  Refer back to the "CH Hughes products" webpage, and note the "Combat Stress" PDF's and videos, to see how to incorporate these materials into a block of instruction.  Photos of soldiers in various types of terrain, battle, recreation, etc., are an excellent way to involve students in discussion.

There are also resources on this page Secondary School teachers can use with their students to enhance the study of World War I, II, and Vietnam.  Short videos and podcasts are available from the public domain, as well as primary source materials on this page. Consideration should be given to
using the Kokoda Track, Battle of Singapore, POWs, and Vietnam sections as separate teaching modules. Blocks of instruction could also include terrain*, environment, native inhabitants, geography, and weather that contributed to Combat Stress of soldiers.  Instructors can use these
materials in PowerPoint presentations.
*A good example of combat stress involving Terrain is the Australian soldiers landing at Gallipoli where their leaders
had faulty maps and the soldiers were faced with impossible objectives they could not meet.  They had been landed at the wrong place, and, as happened with U.S. troops in WW2 landing at Anzio, Italy, were bunched up at the beachhead and stalled, unable to advance due mainly to the terrain.
Once past the beachhead, the terrain with it's sharp drop-off's, worked against any rapid advance. There are some excellent short films that outline these problems by historians who walked over the ground involved.

There is a music section for WW 1 & 2, which covers the main pieces of music that were used to boost the morale of soldiers and those back home, in those two wars.  Instructors should consider using these videos to enhance the study of those historical periods for their students.

A brief section appears near the bottom of this page, dealing with Combat Stress in the Civil War.  The webpage, "The Old South" has much more that can be incorporated in a complete course on the Civil War.

Also, included on this page, there are brief general articles dealing with Combat Stress, Shell Shock, lack of sleep, and
the role of weather and environment affecting troops.

A separate study of Pearl Harbor is available on the webpage "Jim & Joe in College" in the section that deals with Joe's graduate work at the University of Richmond on Pre-Pearl Harbor Intelligence. The research in that section covers not only American, but British, Australian, and Dutch intelligence.
Viewer Advice:  This webpage contains some language, themes, and images that may disturb some viewers. Certain primary source records may contain language or include depictions that may be considered insensitive, disrespectful, offensive or racist.  This material reflects the creator's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, recorded, collected or catalogued.  They are not the current
views of this website and do not reflect current understanding and are not appropriate today. This webpage was developed only for Chaplains and other military instructors.
is a good question. 
First, much of what you see, read, and hear on this page was unknown years ago when I was in graduate school and teaching history in public and private schools.  The whole truth about cannibalization which was perpetrated on Allied soldiers, Australians in particular, by Japanese soldiers, was kept under wraps until well into the the 1990's.  It continues to be hidden from the schoolchildren in Japan who have never been taught the full history of their country's major role in WW2.  In addition, much of what we now know about the success and failure of intelligence prior to Pearl Harbor has now come to light.  We also know that FDR was the first President to wiretap his own White House office; long before Nixon. Much intelligence that came to assist the success at Midway came from Australia, not Hawaii. And while on the subject of U.S. Presidents, it is now a proven fact that Warren Harding had not one but two children out of wedlock.

Much of the fighting in the Far East was done by Australians, (they were fighting there two years before any extensive U.S. involvement) which is  often overlooked in popular media, which gives much space 
to the U.S. Marines, who should not be discounted; but the Australians certainly suffered more and died more horrific deaths at the hands of the Japanese than the Americans.  The Japanese were  the main opponent of the Australian Army in WW2.  Japanese leadership are 
on record as saying that the U.S. Soldiers (not Marines) were timid 
and overly cautious when they landed on islands that were under their occupation. 

The Japanese killed more than twice as many Australians in battle as other enemies combined in WW2.  More than three times as many Australians were captured by the Japanese than by other enemies, 
and thirty times more Australians died as POWs in the hands of the Japanese, than as prisoners of European opponents.  Most of the Australians who ended up as POWs of the Japanese was due to the bumbling British leadership in Malaysia and Singapore, where thousands of Diggers were surrendered to a much smaller Japanese force.  It was a disgrace.  One Australian general officer even fled from his command back to Australia and ended his life as a pariah in disgrace.

After calculations are done, if Australians who died from wounds as POWs are not taken into account, the figure was more than forty times higher in Japanese captivity.  Keep in mind that when in 1945, the Japanese commanders in charge of the POW camps, learned that they were going to lose the war, they ordered all POWs killed by any means before they could be released.  This has been verified in written records.

It is also my intention on this page to bring a more balanced view to 
the implication of some historians who state that most soldiers found killing pleasurable.  That may have some ring of truth, in reference to U.S. Marines who fought in WW2 and were heavily involved in "human trophy-taking," but that is not true concerning Australians, which is borne out by a wider reading of Australian primary sources. Attitudes of soldiers on inflicting death varied greatly among the Australians and depended heavily on the identity of the enemy and 
the circumstances  in which they met. "Taking no prisoners" only became apparent on the occasions when the Diggers found their wounded mates had been tortured, carved up and, in some cases, 
eaten by Jap soldiers who practiced cannibalism. 

I would suggest you read two books, "At the Front Line" and "Fighting the Enemy" by Professor Mark Johnston for a more in-depth discussion of this point. His use of primary source materials is extensive.  More 
in-depth discussion is offered about Japanese cruelty toward the Diggers in detail further down on this page. Other books with primary sources are also suggested on this page.

Peter Pinney, a Digger who fought 

in the WW2 Pacific theater, summed up quite succinctly

why I am giving Australia the major focus on this page:


"American war histories are notoriously frugal in their mention of Australian fighting men…the few references there, portray them as little more than camp followers.  General MacArthur’s communiques habitually refrained from any mention of Australian troops, and their successes were commonly assumed to be American victories.  American war histories tend to ignore the Australian offensives in New Guinea, and describe the Bougainville beachhead in November 1943,  as the first important fight in the Pacific conflict.  They fail to mention that the war with Japan was already two years

old before American forces played any major  part in the islands campaign." 


“American public opinion, which is inclined to write off Australia as a fighting force for the remainder of the Pacific War, now sees the

digger in the humblest of secondary roles..mopping up behind the

real fighting slogging Yank.” (Sydney Morning Herald, quoted in P. Charlton, “The Unnessary War” (Melbourne: Macmillian, 1983).

This webpage features Australian and New Zealand soldiers at war; with some emphasis on British, Canadian, and U.S. Soldiers.

(Another webpage, "CH Hughes products" deals with stress issues faced by American service personnel. CH Hughes - Part 3" concerns additional information on Australia; but includes Britain and Ireland as well.)
Many photos are courtesy of the Australian War Memorial. Another great resource for instructors is The Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, Australia, where you will find many audio, visual, and written primary resources.  Photos and films are generally placed under specific categories. For example, "Fall of Singapore" has specific Australian photos and films about that event.  

The photos in each section on this page will reveal many Diggers appearing in groups with their Mates, generally smiling, and not self-conscious. This says much about their psychological and cultural makeup. Mates did not leave their friends on the battlefield, especially when wounded by the Japanese, as will become apparent in subsequent detail below.  

It became especially important once they discovered that the Japanese were eating their wounded and dead Mates by cutting flesh from their dead bodies; in some cases, while he was still alive. Newly discovered diaries and reports by survivors, not previously known, relate this in gruesome detail.
This was a personal turning point for them, (on a case by case basis), in not wanting to take prisoners, already being practiced wholesale by many U.S. Marines in the Pacific theater of war.

In doing research for this page, I found a stronger bond of "Mateship" between Australian "Diggers" (as their soldiers
are known) than between American Soldiers. Those from
New Zealand are known as "Kiwis", and they also had strong bond of friendship. 

"ANZAC" is a term that refers to both Australian and New Zealand soldiers. (Australian New Zealand Army Corps). This designation was first given during WW1.

I found a sense of comradeship between American Soldiers in the field, but it was not as strong and did not last long after returning home from rotation to a war zone; or after retirement, especially after Vietnam and later wars. Other than the VFW and American Legion, plus a few disabled vet organizations, there are few permanent associations for U.S. combat veterans with ongoing organizations and public participation events.
Yet today, in the 21st Century, the average Digger will refer
to another as "Mate." And the number of "Digger" organizations and associations is numerous. They participate through annual ANZAC Day and Australia Day "marches" (parades) in all the major and minor cities and towns. In addition, the children, wives, grandchildren, and extended family, all turn out for these events and support their husbands, fathers, grandfathers, as well as these
associations, which hold their own individual events.  All the Australia media outlets cover these events 'religiously,' unlike the media in the U.S., and indeed, the current president (Biden) who has given major patriotic military holidays only lip-service; as well as making major foreign policy mistakes that have directly affected our service personnel. 

The typical Australian sees the importance in supporting
these events and associations.  They have a sense of pride
and sincere desire for participation that is evident, even when the public events had to be scaled back due to the 2020 pandemic.  One website sums it up succinctly: "Our aim is to perpetuate the camaraderie that was generated amongst us when we served."  Well said.

While the U.S. Vietnam-era vets had many websites run by individuals and small groups post-the Vietnam war,  they
have been in decline since 2008.  Most of these websites are now extinct and no longer exist.  Some sites have 'changed hands' or have attached themselves to other larger sites; many have been 'watered down'.  This is unfortunate, as they were once a rich resource for research.

I have also included a section about 
Australian Chaplains in 
WW 1 & 2, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.
Before continuing, a word to the instructor concerning the need to do careful research
I have discovered numerous websites that have outright false information, either by design or by careless unintentional error. There is one site that has a high-sounding name that supposedly gives the correct information about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; but that website has a hidden agenda of pushing their own philosophy, which is incorrect.  One website, WW2TV is a youtube channel, but 
not recommended. The host, who seems not to be able to appear without a hat, dominates the discussion with the interviewee(s).

Most of the websites from Australia are excellent and are well worth your research time.  However,  I cannot say the same for several large research sites in Britain.  Most all of these, though they may eventually be helpful, are pay-for-use sites; their fees are exhorbitant in my estimation for the little information that they provide.  Also, their oral history interviews are sparce and incomplete; snippits of interviews that last less than a few minutes.  The Canadian official websites are somewhat better, but do not have the wide range of soldier-documentation records available online. The British also don't have soldier-documentation records readily available.  Be careful of using pay sites that claim they will get these records for you; they are expensive and I don't use them.

Here is another example of careless handling of information that can be found on many websites.  This particular website in question, tried to make a list, with photos, of all underage boy soldiers:

Several years ago, I did extensive research on the Royal Flying Corps and corresponded with the high school Albert Ball attended.  He is remembered as one of the first 'Aces' of WW1.  Here are some pictures of him, including one on the cover of a book about
WW1 flying:
The researcher must also be careful about some authors who have a subrosa agenda.  They have attempted to disprove the truth of a particular battle, army group, or concept.
Here is one online report concerning this problem:
Another fictional recounting of history was exposed concerning the Kokoda Track:
Another recent investigation into the battle of Midway, notorious for turning the tide of the war against the Japanese, has come under intense scrutiny.  The resultant investigation of primary sources has revealed that one of the 'sources' previously taken for granted for at least 60 years, is completely wrong.

I am talking about the memoirs of Commander Fuchida who wrote about the battle of Midway, but did not tell the truth about one important facet of the battle.  A historian, Jonathan Parshall, dug into the original Japanese records and produced an astonishing revelation which he noted in his book, "Shattered Sword."  He relates what happened in the following excerpt from a recent podcast:
The photo at left , "Confederate Dead on Matthews Hill, Bull Run" is from the Library of Congress.
It is a FAKE:  the men are NOT DEAD, but alive; their bodies were staged by the photographer.

See the Photo Study about fake war photos below:
Glossary of Australian Terms
Identification of Diggers and Kiwi's in combat photos can be made by looking 
at dog tags (called 'meat tickets' by the Diggers); hats, short haircuts, shirtless, and wearing shorts.
Another Digger with the Australian-type of 
dog tags, which are round and octagonal shaped:
This American GI has rectangle-shaped dog tags, encased in a black rubber holder to silence them while moving in enemy territory.
Origin of the Feathers 
on the Light Horse Soldier's hat:
Here's a song about the Digger's hat,
from the film "The Digger":
Photo Study of the British Soldier:
A Digger in this video describes his authentic WW1 uniform:
A Digger in another video tells 
the history of the Australian flag:
A Digger discusses the Australian coat of arms and national anthem:
Young man in his video series "The Far Off Station," describes the British Kit used by the Loyal Regiment in 1941 Singapore:
Soldiers from Scotland also participated 
in WW1 and had their own uniforms:
New Zealand ANZAC soldiers also had a special way of greeting their Mates; no sexual implication is implied;
it is a cultural aspect of their lives:
Australian Army Customs and Traditions:
Australians in the Great War
A short film with music of the period:
Remembering the New Zealand soldiers in World War 1:
The first Australian awarded the 
Victoria Cross

The Aussie way of Discipline

A Mob in Uniform
Discipline within the AIF 
on the Western Front
Diggers also show their pride in serving by use of Tattoos.  But not just any type; the designs are chosen with specific intent.

Here are some films which describe the rationale behind the tattoos, followed by some examples:
When the Battle of Kokoda is discussed 
further on this page, it is referred to as the "Kokoda Track," not 'trail.'  Diggers used the term "Track" to refer to a 'trail.'
Diggers grew up on a continent
surrounded by water and were, therefore, used to swimming. That becomes apparent in the descriptions 
and photos on this page.  

They also came from a land with animals that were unique to Australia. Here are two films which describe them:
The Virtual War Memorial is an excellent resource site for Instructors. But as of late, I have found much information missing on individual soldiers and some of it is inaccurate. Here is an example of what you can find:


He's a drover drifting over Western plains

He's a city lad, a clark down Flinder's Lane

They're in the trenches at Lone Pine

And on the Flander's firing line

A willing band of ordinary men

He's all of them

He's one of us

Born beneath

The Southern Cross

Side by side

We say with pride

He is all of them

He is one of us

He's a pilot on a midnight bombing raid

He's an Able Seaman on the Armidale

She's a nurse in Vietnam

They're on patrol in Uruzgan

Sons and daughters rising to the call

She's all of them

She's one of us

Born beneath

The Southern Cross

Side by side

We say with pride

She is all of them

She is one of us

The spirit of the ANZACs

Proud and strong

Spirit of the ANZACs

Will live on and on and on

He's all of them

He's one of us

Born beneath

The Southern Cross

Side by side

We say with pride

He is all of them

She is all of them

They are one of us

They are one of us

As previously stated above, 
The number of 'Digger' organizations and associations are numerous, and they participate through annual ANZAC Day and Australia Day marches/parades, in all the major and minor cities and towns. Thousands (yes, thousands) of people come out and support these marches. (See examples below, of the 2022 
ANZAC Day marches).

In addition, the children, wives, grandchildren, and extended family all turn out for these events and support these associations, which hold their own individual events.  Australia news media outlets cover these events 'religiously,' unlike the media in the U.S. which barely covers our national holidays like July 4th, Memorial Day, etc.  

The typical Australian sees the importance in supporting these events and associations.  They have a sense of pride and sincere desire for participation that is evident, even when the public events had to be scaled back due to the 2020 pandemic.  One website sums it up succinctly: "Our aim is to perpetuate the camaraderie that was generated amongst us when we served."

Here is some of what occurred in Australia and overseas on this year's ANZAC Day, 25 April 2022:
Dawn Services and Marches are held in all major cities and towns in Australia, as well as in Gallipoli, Turkey.  Here are examples of some around the country:
Special postage stamps were issued in honor of Australian involvement in WW1:
Here is an overview of the Gallipoli battlefield, which observes ANZAC Day every April 25th:
What doest it mean to be an ANZAC soldier? 
"Life of Young ANZAC Soldier" 
is a film series that helps answer the question and would be useful to high school teachers.  The young man wears the typical New Zealand uniform and hat.
Trench Life in World War 1
Highly recommended: 
"The Spirit of the Digger" as an introduction to understanding what it means to be an Australian 'Digger':
Donald Tate went to anti-war rally and spoke in favor of going into Vietnam; reminded the crowd that he was a wounded vet from that conflict. But, he was later embroiled in controversy.
At the Front Line by Mark Johnston is highly recommended.  Here is an excerpt from the main points covered:
"Australians at War" - Vietnam - Film Series
Some who knew the intimate details of what went wrong in the planning and execution of the Gallipoli campaign, wrote about it afterward:
Additional films for use in the classroom:
"The Last Enemy" A film series
Prior to Pearl Harbor there were two 
men who predicted a war in the Pacific.  One of these was 
Gen. Homer Lea.
HOMER LEA wrote two important books which correctly predicted WW2 in the Pacific.  He correctly predicted where the Japanese would land in the Philippines; that they would take Singapore and also attack our American fleet in the Pacific.

Homer Lea had met President Teddy Roosevelt, the German Kaiser, and other notable leaders of foreign countries. U.S. military leaders studied his book, "The Valor of Ignorance" at West Point, and it was also studied by General Douglas MacArthur, and his own chief of intelligence.  It was required reading in Russia, Germany, and Japan.  The other book "The Day of the Saxon," correctly predicted the decline of the British empire.

Prior to Pearl Harbor
there was another man who predicted 
a war in the Pacific: 
Hector C. Bywater.
Bywater was a profilic writer of news stories. 
Here are some samples:
"Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor"
is a special BBC film, in public domain, that I highly recommend. 

(As mentioned in the introduction, additional resources about Pre-Pearl Harbor intelligence can be found on
the webpage "Jim & Joe in College" which has more audio & visual aids to teach a section on Pearl Harbor. Those resources cover U.S., British, Dutch,
and Australian military information.)
NBC radio produced 
a series of programs called 
"The Pacific Story."
Several reenactor groups have produced short videos for public domain; some are quite good.  Here is one about the attack on Pearl Harbor, called "The Switchboard":
War is announced by the 
Prime Minister of Australia
with a brief overview of the Diggers involvement in WW2:
Additional audio resources from the Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, Australia:

Wodonga Regional Lecture: Spirit of the Digger 

Shrine of Remembrance

Tuesday 20 May 2014 - Mr Patrick Lindsay


The Anzac spirit forms the bedrock of the Australian and New Zealand national characters. It was forged from a mateship which grew into something greater than the shared experiences of brothers-in-arms.


The Gallipoli Campaign was a kind of crusade and a national rite of passage for three of the countries involved:  Turkey, Australia and New Zealand.  Each emerged from the devastating losses with an enhanced international reputation and its image clarified in its national consciousness.


Patrick Lindsay is one of Australia’s leading non-fiction authors. He spent 25 years as a journalist and TV presenter before he began writing full-time in 2001.


Since then he has written 20 books, including the best-sellers, The Spirit of Kokoda, The Spirit of The Digger, The Spirit of Gallipoli, Fromelles, Our Darkest Day, Cosgrove …Portrait of a Leader, The Coast Watchers and True Blue.


Much of his work explores the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that makes up what it means to be an Australian.  He sees the Anzac Spirit as a key piece of the puzzle.

Mr. Lindsay also presented another lecture:
"The Spirit of Kokoda":
Consider Monuments to past leaders as 
a visual aid in teaching history.

Monument to William Wallace:

Wallace in this monument at Glasgow, Scotland is....
the standard-issue freedom fighter of the imagination with:     

* The Give ‘em hell whiskers,
* The Save-me-Jesus eyes, and
* The hamstrings from hell.

Wallace was not a one-man campaign. We don’t know if he could have been a stuntman for Mel Gibson in the movie “Braveheart,” but his epic romance refuses to go away.

It is important for young officers, as Patton once said, to 

study the biographies of great and near-great military 

leaders of history in order to learn and add to your storehouse-knowledge of tactics, strategy, and leadership.

Photographs from the field of battle tell us a lot about a soldier, either as an individual or as a group. Their expressions tell a lot about individual 
and group cohesion and character. The Berserk soldier is often identified in these.

It is thought that wearing a bearskin into battle is the origin of the word berserker. The word likely means “bear-shirt.” The Middle English word “serk,” meaning shirt, supports this idea. Another theory is that berserker actually means “bare-shirt,” suggesting that the berserkers fought completely naked.

Here is one example of a U.S. Soldier who went naked and berserk:

Another berserk soldier:
There was one American GI who went Berserk while guarding German POWS in the United States:
One U.S. Soldier, an RTO for his unit, showed his preference for war, in the next photo:
Soldiers and Marines who went berserk had different ways of showing it. Some American GIs collected ears off of dead Japanese and wore them as badges of achievement. Another GI extracted gold teeth.  One GI in WW2 Germany, literally scalped the hair from a dead enemy soldier who had blond hair. Many Marines mailed home Japanese skulls.

I did not find any documentation that Diggers were involved in this extreme misconduct, except isolated cases where the Aussie would come across a Mate who had been cannibalized and partially eaten by Japanese soldiers; but not on the industrial scale of Americans.  

US Navy men with their trophy skulls:
What follows is first, three articles about human skull collecting by Americans and Allies, then a photo study of its practice.
This next picture shows a South Vietnamese soldier abusing a Viet Cong:
Some American GI's got so "numbed" by the war, they could sit and eat lunch surrounded by dead VC:
American mutilation of Japanese war dead:
Human trophy taking, by Americans during the Pacific War:
One American tells why he hated the
Japanese and wanted revenge:
During WW2 and Vietnam, U.S. Soldiers and Marines would pose with the dead enemy or their body parts, in what became known as 
"Trophy War Pictures."
American GI in WW2:
Next 3 photos show US Marines with Japanese trophies:
British soldiers with trophies:
Russian soldiers took their share of war trophies:

The next photo below has an interesting background:

On May 22, 1944, Life magazine published a photo of an 

American girl with a Japanese skull sent to her by her naval officer boyfriend. The image caption stated: "When he said goodbye two years ago to Natalie Nickerson, 20, a war worker of Phoenix, Ariz., a big, handsome Navy lieutenant promised her a Jap. Last week Natalie received a human skull, autographed by her lieutenant and 13 friends, and inscribed: "This is a good Jap – a dead one picked up on the New Guinea beach." Natalie, surprised at the gift, named it Tojo. The letters Life received from its readers in response 

to this photo were "overwhelmingly condemnatory" and the Army directed its Bureau of Public Relations to inform U.S. publishers that "the publication of such stories would be likely to encourage the enemy to take reprisals against American dead and prisoners of war". The junior officer 

who had sent the skull was also traced and officially reprimanded. This was, however, done reluctantly, and the punishment was not severe.

On June 13, 1944, the press reported that President Roosevelt had been presented with a letter-opener made out of a Japanese soldier's arm bone by Francis E. Walter, a Democratic congressman. Supposedly, the president commented, "This is the sort of gift I like to get", and "There'll be plenty more such gifts".

Consider the following film on "McNamara's Morons" and have students compare and contrast the reasons for American soldiers taking war trophies and pictures of dead in WW2 and Vietnam:
Trophy photo from a U.S. Vietnam vet website. Note the comment made on the picture:
US Marines pose for human trophy photos: 
Soldiers pose holding the heads of VC:
Diggers head home after WW2 with trophies:
Captured VC by Diggers; some are being given
medical treatment:
Captured VC taken thru the wire:
Clearing the battlefield:
Wounded VC being led away:
Captured VC by U.S. soldiers:
In the picture below:

A Vietnamese girl, 23 years old, was captured by an Australian patrol 30 feet below ground at the end of a maze of tunnels some 10 miles west of the headquarters of the Australian task force (40 miles southeast of Saigon). The woman was crouched over a World War II radio set. About seven male Viet Cong took off when the Australians appeared—but the woman remained and appeared to be trying to conceal the radio set. She was taken back to the Australian headquarters where she told under sharp interrogation (which included a “waterprobe”; see her wet clothes after the interrogation) that she worked as a Viet Cong nurse in the village of Hoa Long and had been in the tunnel for 10 days. The Australians did not believe her because she seemed to lack any medical knowledge.

They thought that she may have possibly been the leader of the political cell in Long Hoa. She was being led away after interrogation, clothes soaked from the “waterprobe” on October 29, 1966. (AP)

Diggers with captured Japanese:
British soldiers with captured Japanese:
General Westmoreland inspects Australian soldiers (Note that they still go shirtless due to the heat)